Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Triathlon season is starting back up !
Triathlon season is starting back up and so will I along with my blog. Look forward to new articles and pictures from this year!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Good Deals on Bikes Review
I was looking up some bikes for you and I found a couple of good deal for a good starter bike. This will be good enough for your first couple of triathlons until you get a little more serious. Some of these bikes will be too big for you as you are under 5'3. There are plenty of deals out there, this is just from things that were posted on Craigslist. Most of these bikes are not going to fit you but I wanted you to see what kind of deals there are to be found. This is only two days worth of Craigslist and there are other sites that you can search on. Just as an fyi at 5'2 you will probably need a bike with 36"-42" frame, somewhere in that ballpark.
Cons: Mildly expensive, if you are not sure you are going to keep racing

One of the best deals that I have found. This bike is $675 probably is worth at least twice that including all the gear that it comes with:
The tire repair pack, Look pedals, Digital speedometer, Diadora shoes and cleats, matching Le tour de france water bottles, helmet, gloves and sunglasses will be included if you want to take them.
Pros: Good starter to Advanced bike. No upgrading or spare parts needed.The tire repair pack, Look pedals, Digital speedometer, Diadora shoes and cleats, matching Le tour de france water bottles, helmet, gloves and sunglasses will be included if you want to take them.
Cons: Mildly expensive, if you are not sure you are going to keep racing

Like new, rarely used Raleigh. This is a 700 dollar bike for 350 pretty good steal for a bike that has been slightly used.
Pros: Great Deal.
Cons: Will need some updating cost in the future, even though it is race ready
Pros: Great Deal.
Cons: Will need some updating cost in the future, even though it is race ready
I know this one is a little out of your prices range at $4500 but I feel in love with bike when I found it. I figure I'd put something here for you to dream about.
Pros: Very fast bike, with Easton tubular tires
Cons: No aero bars, alot of lunch money
Pros: Very fast bike, with Easton tubular tires
Cons: No aero bars, alot of lunch money

My bike !! At a $110 this bike is a steal for a first time racer. Will need to update your ride as it will keep you competitive, just not very competitive.
Pros: Cheap Price, Comes with a helmet.
Cons: Will need updating...
Pros: Cheap Price, Comes with a helmet.
Cons: Will need updating...
This bike is like new, was purchased at 1400+ taxes plus Look KEO Easy pedals retail 79.99. He is asking 1100 obo.
Pros: Fairly good deal and great looking bike
Cons: Mildy expensive for a starter bike
Pros: Fairly good deal and great looking bike
Cons: Mildy expensive for a starter bike

Cheapest starter bike that I found ask $59. Look at all the pink !! For small to medium women, which you will be able to fit on. Looks like a mountain bike that has been turned into a road bike.
Pros: Very cheap, PINK
Cons: Only a starter bike if you get serious you need a new one, PINK
Pros: Very cheap, PINK
Cons: Only a starter bike if you get serious you need a new one, PINK

Blackwheel 100m Carbon Wheel for 470. These are very fast tires with only 20 miles on them. You could always get a cheap biker that can be easily upgraded, by added cheap parts as this one.
Pros: Blazing speed
Cons: Will not fit on every bike, not cheap
Pros: Blazing speed
Cons: Will not fit on every bike, not cheap
This is a bike that I posted up for my friend Amanda who rides a Bianchi in Celeste as well. At 850 this bike is a decent deal.
Pros: I already told you its a Bianchi
Cons: No aero bars.
Clicking on any of these pictures will bring you right to the post on Craigslist if you wish to read more information about them. All of these bikes are in the South Florida area and there are about 40-70 new posts for sale everyday. Hope that shed some light on your questions. Leave me a comment if you have questions about anything else.
Pros: I already told you its a Bianchi
Cons: No aero bars.
Clicking on any of these pictures will bring you right to the post on Craigslist if you wish to read more information about them. All of these bikes are in the South Florida area and there are about 40-70 new posts for sale everyday. Hope that shed some light on your questions. Leave me a comment if you have questions about anything else.
Good Deals
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Race Results
My race in Key Biscayne went really well the other day. Everything went as planned for once in the water, which is a nice change for me. Switch to a different pair of goggles definitely mean a big difference (no leaks). I was less than 30 seconds away from the leader in the male 20-24 and 40-49 age group, leaving the water in about 5th out of about 80+ swimmers. Transition from the swim to bike went very well and I placed in the top 100 there.
Bike is where I had most of my trouble this race. This is due to a couple of factors. First off I got a cheap bike as a Christmas present years ago that realllly need some updating. Riding over the Rickenbacker Causeway was a real battle on this bike as it is way to heavy to climb. I also did not log enough hours before the race on my bike, so I was not as fast as I normally am. I took my Hammer Gel a little too late on the bike making me somewhat sick when I got off to run. All and all though my bike was decent considering the equipment that is at my disposal.
The run was good, I say this because my time was not my fastest splits. Although I did feel great during the run. All my bike/run practice paid off big time. I did not feel as if I had rocks in my calves as I normally do, and felt very in control of my body despite how hard I was pushing myself.
I am still waiting on the pictures to be sent to me as they were not taken with my camera. As soon as I have them in my possession I will post them up for everyone to see.
Bike is where I had most of my trouble this race. This is due to a couple of factors. First off I got a cheap bike as a Christmas present years ago that realllly need some updating. Riding over the Rickenbacker Causeway was a real battle on this bike as it is way to heavy to climb. I also did not log enough hours before the race on my bike, so I was not as fast as I normally am. I took my Hammer Gel a little too late on the bike making me somewhat sick when I got off to run. All and all though my bike was decent considering the equipment that is at my disposal.
The run was good, I say this because my time was not my fastest splits. Although I did feel great during the run. All my bike/run practice paid off big time. I did not feel as if I had rocks in my calves as I normally do, and felt very in control of my body despite how hard I was pushing myself.
I am still waiting on the pictures to be sent to me as they were not taken with my camera. As soon as I have them in my possession I will post them up for everyone to see.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Getting all geared up for tomorrow going over my list and checking it twice. Then its off to bed to get some rest for my 4:00 wake up !! I will upload pictures in the next couple of days.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Getting Ready for Race Day
I have been getting both mentally and physically prepared for my race this Sunday !! I will be racing in the Mack Cycle Key Biscayne Triathlon Trilogy #2, at the Miami Marine Stadium. They recently changed the location of the race from Crandon Park to the Miami Marine Stadium. I don't know why they did that but I expect that it will be just a great of a race as the one they always have at Crandon Park. For those of you who live in the South Florida area I am sure that you know about this is race, and if you don't I will tell you. It is the best sprint triathlon in this area!! Amazing views of the water and downtown and the climb up the causeway is absoutely insane. There is such an energy at this race from the volunteers all the way up to the racers. I can not continue to say enough go things about this race, if you live in this area and haven't race the Trilogy yet I highly suggest you do. If for no other reason, there are three races and a bonus race, all of which are on the same course. This is a great advantage as most races differ alittle here and there on the mileage and it is hard to accurately judge your difference in times. If you are interested in racing you can find them at Multirace.com or go directly to the race registration. Feel free to say hi if you see me as I am very hard to miss. I will be the only six foot eight guy out there probably. Always nice to be able to meet my readers !!
A little under a week left and I am in crunch time right now. Watching what I eat, making sure I am getting enough sleep, and trying to get all my workouts in before my last day of recovery. Been very busy with work this week so getting in my workouts has been a little bit of a hassle but I've managed as of yet to get everything done I've set out to do. I have also been riding my bike anywhere I can reasonably take it. This is one of my great workout secrets, as it allows me and easy extra 20-30 miles a week of "working out". I can get almost anywhere on my bike as fast as I can drive, but since im commuting it doesnt really feel as if im working out.
Today: I work part time as a swim coach for a 6-18 year old swim team. So I will ride to practice to today (extra 5 miles) and after swim practice I will swim a 1/4 mile in the pool, proceed to hop on my bike and ride home. As soon as I get home Im going to get on a 4 mile run so that A) I can practice my T2 and B) So that I can log in some miles running as I definately need some extra running before sunday.
Tomorrow I am going for another 3-4 mile run at race pace and I will do alot of streching both before and after. This is so that I can start loosing any muscle that might be tight and I dont get any cramps doing the race.
Friday: I will have an moderately difficult ride to the beach (11.7 miles round trip), do some more stretching on the beach once I get there. Going for about a 1/4 mile open water swim. As I do alot of pool swimming and I like to practice my open water swim a couple of days before to mentally prepare myself. Once I hop out of water practice a fast T1 transition hop on the bike and go home. I also plan to con my girlfriend into giving me a full body massage to get all the extra kinks out that I did get out stretching. She not aware of this yet but see will be soon enough :)
Saturday: REST AND RECOVERY !!! The day before the race I reserve for resting and recovering. I want to be a full strength the next day. Making sure that I don't eat anything that won't sit will the next day at the race. I also start planning out the race in my mind. Reminding myself what my times should look like. Remembering what I am grabbing during my transitions. Packing up all my things the night before as there is no way im going to do it at 4:30 in the morning, thats just asking for trouble. Other than that I might go for an easy ride or fast walk around the block around mid day or in the morning just to keep my body sort of fresh. Day before race though is all about mental work though making sure that my mind will be in the right place on sunday.
Then its off to the races! I will have some one taking many pictures of the race on Sunday, which I will post up so all of you can see. Even more reason to find me at the race, because if you do you picture will probably be on my blog next week. Good luck to all of you who are racing this Sunday and I look forward to see you guys at the race!
A little under a week left and I am in crunch time right now. Watching what I eat, making sure I am getting enough sleep, and trying to get all my workouts in before my last day of recovery. Been very busy with work this week so getting in my workouts has been a little bit of a hassle but I've managed as of yet to get everything done I've set out to do. I have also been riding my bike anywhere I can reasonably take it. This is one of my great workout secrets, as it allows me and easy extra 20-30 miles a week of "working out". I can get almost anywhere on my bike as fast as I can drive, but since im commuting it doesnt really feel as if im working out.
Today: I work part time as a swim coach for a 6-18 year old swim team. So I will ride to practice to today (extra 5 miles) and after swim practice I will swim a 1/4 mile in the pool, proceed to hop on my bike and ride home. As soon as I get home Im going to get on a 4 mile run so that A) I can practice my T2 and B) So that I can log in some miles running as I definately need some extra running before sunday.
Tomorrow I am going for another 3-4 mile run at race pace and I will do alot of streching both before and after. This is so that I can start loosing any muscle that might be tight and I dont get any cramps doing the race.
Friday: I will have an moderately difficult ride to the beach (11.7 miles round trip), do some more stretching on the beach once I get there. Going for about a 1/4 mile open water swim. As I do alot of pool swimming and I like to practice my open water swim a couple of days before to mentally prepare myself. Once I hop out of water practice a fast T1 transition hop on the bike and go home. I also plan to con my girlfriend into giving me a full body massage to get all the extra kinks out that I did get out stretching. She not aware of this yet but see will be soon enough :)
Saturday: REST AND RECOVERY !!! The day before the race I reserve for resting and recovering. I want to be a full strength the next day. Making sure that I don't eat anything that won't sit will the next day at the race. I also start planning out the race in my mind. Reminding myself what my times should look like. Remembering what I am grabbing during my transitions. Packing up all my things the night before as there is no way im going to do it at 4:30 in the morning, thats just asking for trouble. Other than that I might go for an easy ride or fast walk around the block around mid day or in the morning just to keep my body sort of fresh. Day before race though is all about mental work though making sure that my mind will be in the right place on sunday.
Then its off to the races! I will have some one taking many pictures of the race on Sunday, which I will post up so all of you can see. Even more reason to find me at the race, because if you do you picture will probably be on my blog next week. Good luck to all of you who are racing this Sunday and I look forward to see you guys at the race!
key biscayne,
Friday, July 10, 2009
New Name On My Blogroll
I not only write a blog about triathlons, I also read many blogs about them as well. In the next couple of days I will be adding many sites to my blogroll as I like to see the new articles posted up on my blogspot everyday so that I may read articles that interest me. My other reasoning for this is so you my readers can be able to find other informative sources on triathlons. Feel free to check out the newest site to my blogroll Everymantri.com They provide news and interviews on endurance events.
List of Important Triathlon Links
I will be compiling a list of important sites for triathlon registration, information, etc... If there are any good sites out that for some reason that I do not know about or you would like to share with everyone please leave a comment with a link and a description.
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